
Our core team and regional associates are ready to support you in any and all of these areas. We are currently training more staff and volunteers to cover a broader public.


you can count on us

we are here to accompany you

Death Doula Services

advocacy & accompaniment

End-of-Life Prep & Support

spiritual, emotional, medical

Loss & Grief Support

holistic approach

Hospice Care

in-home & onsite

Death Doula Services

Doula support helps prepare practicalities, ease anxiety, aid in comfort, and promote a personalized passage. Prepare for death and ensure the support to have any tasks required performed for greater peace of mind and to ease the transition.

End-of-Life Prep & Support
This work can begin days, weeks, months, or years before nearing the end of life. This important work of preparing for death can begin at any time. Secure compassionate care and informative support throughout the end-of-life transition for clients and loved ones.
Grief Support

Learn about and apply multimodal, holistic and integrative approaches to alleviate and transform through grief-related pain, anguish, and suffering. Through this process you will discover meaning and sense to loss and life after loss, and learn to support others through their grief process.


Together as a team, we develop a care plan for clients and loved ones, facilitating support, information, relief of physical and emotional pain, empowerment, supplies, medications to support the process through the last months of life.


evolving our death culture together

Community Outreach

Assessing the needs of our remote communities and bringing needed supplies and services, as well as educational programs, to them pro bono.

Support Circles

Support circles and facilitator training for group support for caregivers, trauma survivors, loss and grief processes, and death conversations.

Educational Programs

Education and training in the following areas: death doula accompaniment, grief support, thanatology, end-of-life processes, Hospice services, and more. 

A Year to Live

Explore the value of a 1-year commitment to consciousness & healing, opening to the unknown, facing fears, hidden pains, regrets, unfinished business, with supportive meditations & practices

Death Cafés & Death over Dinner

One conversation at a time, we transform our relationship to loss, grief, aging, illness, mortality, dying and death, so we may transform also the way we live. 


Hands-on, experiential, creative, inspirational workshops on topics around loss, grief, aging, illness, dying, death, and beyond, with practical tools for personal and professional application.

Vocational Program

Discover your vocation, get trained and help out in all the tasks and areas that support our efforts. Contact us to apply for the program.

Counseling Referrals

Our extended team of regional and national, trained and experienced associates are available to support you. Contact us to receive a tailored, personalized referral based on your case.


Dedicated to promoting, supporting, defending and protecting EKR’s legacy, we also conduct research to better apply EKR’s teachings to current times.

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