The elders in community
Animecha Kejtsitakua - Night of Holy Souls - November 1 and 2, 2019
Meseta Purépecha, Michoacán, Mexico
Fundación EKR México Centro (EKR MXC) visits the community of La Tercera Edad in Cuanajo, Michoacán to invite them to give voice to their experiences and traditions.
What we know as the Day of the Dead began as the Night of Souls, when the veil between worlds is lighter, and we call and wait for the blessed spirits of our departed. Our communities are accountable and aware of how many senior citizens are part of them. They also keep track of and are aware of each of their deceased every year. The process of aging and dying is something that is lived in community. We have much to learn from them.
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Photos and video © EKR Mexico Center Foundation.