Celebrating the Days of the Dead at Rancho La Joyita in Jalpa, Mexico in support of the Green Burial Cemeteries initiative in Mexico.
Be part of our co-responsible green community, honoring ancient traditions and the Earth, co-creating a legacy for our future generations.
Friends of the Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation Mexico Centro gathered for a day in the country, an awareness + fundraising event, where we learned more about the pre-Hispanic days of the dead traditions in Mexico and why Green Burial is most significant, relevant, and the most responsible legacy we can leave to honor our lives, our departed loved ones, our future generations, and the Earth.
EKR Mexico Centro collaborates with individuals and families interested in promoting and establishing green cemeteries, with this intention expressed through actions to integrate it into our communities. By emphasizing the importance of collaborative work and inclusion, we create mutually beneficial partnerships for the greater good of all and our planet.
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